Tag: Thought Leadership Man checking watch Does Rushing Affect Your Work?

Rushing to Meet Deadlines: How Speed Impacts Quality Tight deadlines are the bane of every project, the pressure intensifies when we run behind schedule. But how does this affect the quality of our work? Rushing can have a detrimental effect on business. Many companies place a great deal of emphasis on speed and productivity, often […]

Man presenting a PowerPoint The Power of PowerPoint

PowerPoint: The Leading Presentation Tool! Since its release in 1990, Microsoft PowerPoint has been the world’s most ubiquitous presentation tool. Probably the easiest-to-use presentation graphics software, PowerPoint is a fool-proof package which hands you everything you need to create a presentation that always looks put-together enough to make you feel like a professional. Word processing, […]

Man making a data report The Importance of Data Visualization

What is Data Visualization? Data visualization changes the way we look at and analyse information using visual components such as graphs, charts and maps. By injecting organic data into lively, graphical presentations, we can better understand and access the trends, patterns and anomalies in any given data. Basically, it makes our life easier. Why use […]

Man looking at data A Guide To Good Data Visualization

Struggling with your data visualization? Don’t worry, our data viz team put together a guide to help you start creating engaging and meaningful visualizations. The need to create more visually engaging reports has become ever more compelling. Traditional slides of unstimulating charts, tables and walls of text are now being replaced with more visually captivating […]

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