Repetitive, intricate reporting is tedious and leaves no time for your creative insights.

“I wish I could spend more time on analysis and less time on manual reporting!” Familiar Feeling? Now repeat for every wave, market or segment and it becomes a huge drain on your resources. How about outsourcing that to a team of automation experts who will provide instant stress relief enabling you to dedicate more time to take on more business or add value to existing projects and building client relationships….


Leveraging the E-Tabs Enterprise automation platform

With over 100 years of combined Market Research reporting experience, The E-Tabs Report Automation Service has seen it all. Our award-winning “local outsourcing” team have literally automated thousands of reports for companies across the globe, ensuring they meet every deadline, every time!

Our expertise means we understand your unique, and often complex needs, and will automate and deliver accurately populated, and customized reports, on time and within budget. We will even handle varying brand lists, stat testing, low bases, conditional formatting, brand logo placement and more – no project is too big nor too complex. Contact us for a quote on your project now!

The Process

Step 1

Understanding the Project

We recognise that each client and their projects have their own unique requirements and complexities. Our experts will meet with you, review your project in detail and obtain a complete understanding of the automation needed down to the finest detail.

Step 2

The Proposal

Having understood your project, our Bureau team will send through a detailed proposal and costing with a one-time project setup fee and the subsequent ongoing reporting costs (if applicable), an outline of the project timeline and plan of action.

Step 3

The Set-Up Process

We will start building the automation using your provided template and project data (which could be interim or dummy data). We will remain in regular contact as we progress, sending you draft reports to review/ approve, applying any feedback.

Step 4

Final Delivery

Once the automation is completed, simply send us your updated data for each new wave, market, category or segment and we will send back your fully populated, editable PowerPoint
or Google Slides report(s).
Another happy client!

Why Use E-Tabs Bureau Services?

Leveraging E-Tabs' industry-leading and award-winning automation software, E-Tabs Enterprise, the E-Tabs Bureau team provides an incredibly fast project turnaround so you can meet, or even improve your client deadlines every time. You will no longer need to spend time laboriously quality checking your reports for manual data entry errors. Report automation ensures 100% accuracy having pulled data straight from your source files to your final report.

See us as an extension of your team! Our experts will work with you every step of the way, providing guidance on how to make your reporting stress-free. We are renowned for using a collaborative approach so you always know how your report production is progressing. Let us take the strain away from your reporting; your deadlines will be our deadlines.

Our Bureau team understand the need to build automation to be flexible and accommodating to change. There's often variation and nuances within repetitive reporting. Changing brand lists and questions between waves or markets can be incorporated into the automation set-up to ensure an uninterrupted process.

Our Bureau team can use any existing PowerPoint, Excel, Word, Google Slides, Sheets report to be used as a template for subsequent automation. This means we can take an ongoing project and hit the ground running without having to sacrifice any layout, structure, branding, formatting and charting preferences. 

We know that each client has their own unique reporting style - different ways of presenting and visualising data, sorting and data rounding rules, calculations, significance/statistical testing, low-base conditions, and logic-based conditional formatting.  However bespoke your project needs may be, we will embrace your specific needs without a fuss. 

Once populated, all charts, tables, textboxes and other objects remain fully editable. 

Contact Us

We have offices in three strategic
locations around the globe.


London (HQ)
+44 (0) 20 8205 4665

Unit 2, Technology Park
Colindeep Lane

North America

+1 888 823 8227

Asia Pacific


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