Bureau Reporting Service Case Studies Enterprise Report Automation


Element Market Research are a five person market research consultant firm based in Lexington, Kentucky, providing both quant and qual studies primarily for the pharmaceuticals, television and entertainment, and the hotel industries.


Over a decade ago, Element developed an online tool that delivered on-demand reports. This tool allowed Element’s Pharma clients to log into a secure portal and output a customised report of survey data. The tool was very efficient and provided all of the right metrics. However, the end users, the field medical managers, never really got comfortable logging in and running their own reports.  Shannan Gabe, Co-Founder of Element Market Research  shared that “they asked us to just scrap the online tool and deliver their reports as a  more traditional PowerPoint deck. For some of these projects, this was going to mean delivering hundreds of PowerPoint slides for just a single study. We did the math and quickly realised our three person pharmaceuticals team could not handle this task with the tools we had on hand.”

“This is where E-Tabs’ Enterprise product saved the day for us.”

THE SOLUTION – E-Tabs Enterprise!

Element Market Research had an existing relationship with E-Tabs using the E-Tabs Pro Reader product since 2008. When the need to deliver a high volume of static PowerPoint slides arose, E-Tabs’ Enterprise became a solution of interest. “We knew that we needed a tool that can handle the Market Research data we collected. We also knew that we needed a tool that was not focused on delivering dashboards, but could output a really high volume in PowerPoint slides. Enterprise was definitely our best option.”

Element began a free trial in 2020, Shannan recalls this “included some really good training by the E-Tabs support team that helped us feel that Enterprise was the right tool for us. Since our implementation of Enterprise, we’ve had really responsive and helpful support from E-Tabs. Element have described E-Tabs Enterprise saying, “The product is intuitive. It’s easy to use. It enables duplication with just a few clicks. The ROI is excellent. It’s allowed our three-person pharma team to meet all of the report requirements that our clients put on us and even grow some of our segments of business that really rely on these types of deliverables.”


Shannan Gabe,
Co-Founder, Element Market Research

Shannan continues that, “With E-Tabs, we’ve really been able to unlock true automation; nimble, flexible, and efficient automation that can adapt to whatever our strategic work requires.” From the single template, the automation has been able to handle the nuanced differences between the different markets and waves.

Case Study 1

Element Market Research run an annual employee assessment known as a “Pharmaceutical Field Medical Liaison Evaluation.” Element conduct an online survey among Opinion Leaders in the medical field to assess their experiences with pharma company field-based employees whose jobs are to build peer-to-peer relationships with the Opinion Leaders. The results are presented to Field Medical Management at the pharma company for use in team training and development.

The customer rates the employee on a host of attributes, and then they can also provide verbatim comments about their experiences with the medical professional. Element’s clients requested reports in PowerPoint format with individual mini decks for each employee that gets evaluated and then they also want data aggregated by the whole team, by the region and by the therapeutic area. This requires generating a lot of the same of the same slide format, pulling in different data sets. It can add up to over 1200 report pages!

With E-Tabs Enterprise, Element Market Research automates multiple reports from this one single project. For example, one report compares different employees by just a single metric while another report presents in depth individual reports for each employee in the survey.

E-Tabs Enterprise also automates the slide’s formatting. For example, Element automatically highlighted the employee’ individual scores that fall in the top 20% or the bottom 20% of all the employees for every metric. Shannan told us that “Enterprise makes it really easy for us to set these up.”


Shannan Gabe,
Co-Founder, Element Market Research

Case Study 2

Another type of study Enterprise enables Element’s small team to take on is a “Field Medical Communication Tracker.” This is a study that assesses the customer’s attitudes, perceptions, and alignment with the scientific messages that the pharma company’s medical team is communicating.

Element run this study two to four times a year and report on the changes in overall results between waves and the changes between waves within certain subgroups. Shannan remarked “this can quickly add up to thousands of data points to be charted.” Shannan explains,  “Enterprise lets us deliver wave to wave subgroup results in a data-heavy, but visually effective way  that our client can easily understand. We can compare the average scores for multiple metrics for multiple waves by the total and a number of customer subgroups all on one slide. Enterprise does the statistical significance testing denoting where there are statistically significant differences with an icon of our choosing.

Element Market Research’s typical report deliverable for these types of studies includes 30+ slides of this format, which adds up to 2,000+ data points. “Enterprise makes it possible for us to output this high volume of slides really easily, quickly and with accuracy, which is all key for a two or three person team who’s trying to maintain this high level of reporting.”


Shannan Gabe,
Co-Founder, Element Market Research

E-Tabs Enterprise

E-Tabs Enterprise has given Element Market Research’s small team the capability to report at the same level of large MRX corporations. Shannan tells us that, “Enterprise makes reporting very efficient by giving us a really easy option for outputting a variety of different, filtered sets of data but it also increases our confidence that the data in these reports is accurate.”

The efficiency Enterprise brings to Element’s report production ensures Element will deliver on their client’s timelines and meet all their report requests. Shannan shares that “this has allowed us to continue growing this portion of our business.”

Automate even the most detailed of PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Google Slides, Sheets or PDF reports quickly and with 100% accuracy. E-Tabs Enterprise can automate any ‘repetitive’ type project – whether a one-time multi-market or multi-category study, continuous tracker, KPI scorecard, concept-test or ad-test, with even the most demanding of requirements.

Watch Shannan Gabe and Mandy Hall share their experiences of using E-Tabs Enterprise at Quirk’s NY 2023!

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